
Hi, I’m Stephanie, the founder and steward of Ellingwood Farm. It’s really nice to meet you and thank you for being here. I first put this dream on paper in 2017 but the threads of this tapestry began more than three decades ago. Ellingwood Farm is a place of healing. Our purpose is to help people embrace their authentic selves, recognize their innate resources, and live in alignment to unleash their greatest potential.

I am an executive coach, growth and culture strategist, speaker, facilitator, and certified yoga teacher with more than a decade of experience helping Fortune 500 leaders transform their organizations, teams, and selves to become more resilient during times of disruption. 

As I navigated myself and business through the pandemic, I realized that most of the leaders I spoke with lacked the resources to traverse the ever-increasing uncertainty and complexity they face. Many were losing passion and joy for their work, unable to be their authentic selves during an unprecedented global health crisis, social justice movement, and political instability. Numerous individuals left the workforce altogether, leaving behind decades of hard work, unable to balance the dizzying changes at work and home. 

My work taught me that positive organizational change demands leaders set down familiar ways of working and inspire their employees to embark on an entirely new and often unknown path. Doing so takes tremendous courage and humility, frequently inspiring an individual awakening. Over time, what started off as a professional passion became a personal one.

In 2022, I launched two new ventures to create a future where individuals can flourish in their work and personal lives. Amplify, a boutique consulting firm reimagines the possibilities of leadership development and helps organizations embark on a cultural evolution in pursuit of meaningful work. Ellingwood Farm is a private space for my clients to dive deep into the work of transformation. While at the Farm, they have access to seasoned holistic wellness practitioners who understand the unique needs of high-capacity leaders. While this work is very personal, the goal is often to accelerate their professional growth ambitions. 

My unique, human-centered approach for both businesses draws on a decade of deep exploration and study of ancient wisdom, neuroscience, psychology, and contemplative practices. I work with each client 1-on-1 to understand their unique needs and handcraft an itinerary that weaves in practitioners, experiences, relaxation, and guided reflection to help guests explore their inner landscape and identify opportunities for personal transformation.

In bringing Ellingwood Farm to life, I am also embarking on my own transformative journey. I invite you to join me as I quiet my mind, listen to my intuition and return to myself – honoring my wild. If you have any comments, thoughts, or questions you can reach out to me directly: steph@stephanieschott.co. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully welcoming you into the space.

With love,
